Link to a pull box divider image

Fibercrete®  Pull Box Divider Panels - TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE!

These fiber-reinforced panels can be used to create internal separation within your Concast pull box.  Ideal for boxes that house both power and communication cables. These dividers are available for all pull box sizes; standard ones are listed below. Aluminum sleeves & Tapcon screws are included for field installation.

Pull Box
Outside Width

Pull Box
Outside Depth
Pull Box
Wall Thickness
PB-32-40-DIV 32 40 4
PB-32-52-DIV 32 52 4
PB-38-42-DIV 38 42 4
PB-38-53-DIV 38 53 4
PB-40-54-DIV 40 54 5
PB-44-40-DIV 44 40 4
PB-44-42-DIV 44 42 4
PB-44-52-DIV 44 52 4
PB-44-53-DIV 44 53 4
PB-44-64-DIV 44 64 4
PB-44-72-DIV 44 72 4
PB-56-52-DIV 56 56 4
PB-68-52-DIV 68 52 4
PB-68-72-DIV 68 72 4